Dental Aids 4

More Dental Aids?? Yayyyyy I think so!

Today, we’ll be tackling 3rd molars. It seems to me that Everybody’s been talking about 3rd molars, aka wisdom teeth. Half the dental related questions I get asked are about 3rd molars, the other half, how long before i get out of my braces; which is in 6 weeks btw =))

SO, peeps. What’s all the fuss about and Why do people bother extracting 3rd molars?

1. The presence of Pericoronitis – a gum infection around the wisdom tooth (yes, it hurts). About 25-30% of 3rd molars are extracted due to pericoronitis. Alternatives to extracting incl: debridement, antibiotics, or an operculectomy (removing that overlying flap of gum)

2. Prevention of dental disease – ie: caries (tooth decay) which accounts for ~15% of exos, or periodontitis due to the formation of deep pockets around the tooth and subsequent bacteria trapping and gum infection. This accounts for ~5% of extractions.

3. Orthodontic considerations – if it’s preventing/interfering with orthodontic treatment or subsequent orthognathic surgery (jaw surgery). Cuz it causes crowding? yes and no – while 3rd molars may contribute, crowding of teeth is multi-factorial.

4. Prevention of odontogenic cysts & tumours – ie: cysts and tumours of tooth related origins. The sac around the 3rd molar may give rice to dentigerous cysts, odontogenic tumours and malignancies. This accounts for 1-2% of extractions.

5. Root resorption of adjacent teeth – Extract that 3rd molar ASAP! and hope the 2nd molar repairs itself.

6. If you’re planning dentures – and the unerupted 3rd molar’s covered by less than 1-2mm of bone/gums.

7. Fracture prevention – the angle of the mandible is an area prone to fractures, especially if you’re into contact sports. Or if you’re a pathological douchebag.

So as you can see, there are many reasons for 3rd molar extractions, but is it right for you?

Well, i can’t really answer that, but here’s a list of questions to consider when deciding!

  • Do you fit into the above list of problems?
  • Is it hurting you?
  • How long have you had it?
  • Is cost an issue?
Because obviously you can’t google all your answers and there might be other issues like your age, life factors and the anatomy of your jaw to consider.

See this BAMF of a 3rd molar? What do u think, should we just extract it?

Dude! It has a freakin troll face all over it!

But the correct answer is: not necessarily.

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